HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Reactjs.
Reactjs with React Components to build structure.
Tachyons and React Particles for a nice, clean look.
Clarifai API's Celebrity Detection Software to detect celebrities in photo provided.
Utilized State to add image, detect face, and display celebrity list when submitted.
Node.js, Express.js, PostgreSQL, and Knex.js.
Custom API built with Node.js and Express.js to interact with front end.
Database built with PostgreSQL and extablished end points and plug into front end.
MiddlewareBodyParser parses json.
Bcrypt for secure login, bcrypt hashing package to hide password.
Sign In/Registration functionalities included.
Celebrity counter keeps track of celebrity count for each user.
Knex.js to connect Database.
Deploy Node.js to Heroku and created a dedicated Database Server.